The Best Way for Students & Organizations to Connect

Presented in collaboration with

Changing The Present

"an of the nonprofit world."

We Help College Students, Local Student Organizations, National Student Organizations, Colleges, Admissions Offices, Academic Departments, High School Students, and Potential Transfer Students

Neither current websites nor club fairs give students enough information to explore hundreds of opportunities for activities outside the classroom, nor do they provide organizations and departments adequate ways to reach and recruit more students.

Please scroll down to see how can help you

COLLEGE STUDENTS is the best way for college students to:

    • find the organizations and academic departments with the most rewarding academic, professional, social, and personal opportunities at your school
    • improve your online reputation by showing what you do outside the classroom
    • find national organizations, for which you might want to start a chapter to use and demonstrate your leadership skills
    • see what organizations your friends and classmates are involved in
    • generate funding for your favorite cause and nonprofit

LOCAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS is the best way for college student organizations to:

    • get the recognition that you and your members deserve
    • empower your current members to help you recruit
    • attract new members
    • connect with like-minded organizations at your school and nationwide
    • generate funding for your favorite cause and nonprofit

See these pages:

Sample Local Student Org

COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES is the best way for colleges and universities to:

    • help students find the organizations, departments, and events that will improve their college experience
    • help organizations and departments be seen and recruit
    • improve your school's desirability among high school and potential transfer students who want to know what you offer outside the classroom.

Please see these pages:

Sample College

NATIONAL STUDENT ORGS is the best way for national student orgs to:

    • highlight your organization, activities, and philanthropy
    • earn recognition for your chapters and members
    • attract new members to your current chapters
    • encourage students to apply to start new chapters at colleges where you do not yet have a presence.

COLLEGE ADMISSIONS OFFICES is the best way for college admissions offices to:

    • show potential applicants the organizations and activities that they are looking for when they compare your college with others
    • attract more applicants
    • get more accepted applicants to register

Please see these pages:

Sample College

ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS is the best way for academic departments to:

    • show the full range of activities and events
    • attract more students to your classes, major, and events
    • help students in your field connect with one another
    • connect with like-minded departments nationwide.

Please see these pages:

Sample Department page

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS is the best way for high school students to:

    • find the organizations and academic departments that will provide the most rewarding academic, professional, social, and personal opportunities
    • choose the college that will offer you the best experience
    • share with your friends and classmates the organizations that interest you

POTENTIAL TRANSFER STUDENTS is the best way for potential transfer students to:

    • find the organizations and academic departments that will provide the most rewarding academic, professional, social, and personal opportunities
    • choose the college that will offer you the best experience
    • share with your friends and classmates the organizations that interest you