Info for Local Student Organizations

Perhaps the Greatest Challenge for Your Student Organization

You have a great student organization, wonderful activities, and enaged members. Congratulations!

Here is the problem and the unmet opportunity: you could have many more members, but most students do not know what you do. Some might not even know that you exist.

It is not easy for students to find the organizations that might be of interest:

    • College club fairs certainly do not give them enough time to explore hundreds of opportunities, much less to learn all that they would like to know (the organizations' focus, members, activities, etc.)
    • Colleges typically list student organizations on their websites, but you know how inadequate those are.


Our Mission

We created to:

    • help students explore all of the opportunities so they can have the best possible college life
    • help student organizations raise awareness, recruit more members, better engage with them and with the community, and earn recognition for all they do

We Make it Easy

    • See these sample pages to learn more about this site.
    • Click here to find your college.
    • Use the filters on the left of your college page to filter by type of organization.  
    • We just recently launched, and it will take time for us to add all of the half-million or so student organizations in the country. If you do not see your favorites, please use this form to let us know, and we will add them. Also, please share this opportunity with other student organizations so they can join.
    • Students can join the site (for free). When they go to Your Favorites, they see how their free Favorites Page will let them share all of their favorite organizations with friends and classmates, while also helping those orgs raise awareness and recruit new members.  

Register Your Student Organization Now

If you are an authorized representative of your organizations, please use the form below to register. (If not, please ask the right person to do it). We offer two types of listings:

Free (minimal) Listing

Very Affordable Listing